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Two plants, to make your job run smoothly

There's more!

Big or Small
September 22

Big or Small

We have handled pours that had to be carefully timed to make sure we didn't let the mixture run too long, we've handled pours for a garden shed. With 20 trucks all over Connecticut we are unique in our ability to serve your needs!

What is Ready Mix
September 7

What is Ready Mix

Ready-mix concrete is concrete that is manufactured in a batch plant, according to a set engineered mix design. Ready-mix concrete is normally delivered in a transit mixer. You'll see our trucks all over the area.


Ready Mix

Ready Mix

What the pros know!

Batch plants combine a precise amount of gravel, sand, water and cement by weight (as per a mix design formulation for the grade of concrete recommended by the structural engineer or architect), allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites.